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We have gathered volunteers within our congregation to be contributing writers within a particular subject area for The Thinking Church. Each week, you can expect an entry from our pastor, Joanna D'Agostino, as well as an additional post on one of the topics listed below.
Christian Education | Allie Scott
We have gathered volunteers within our congregation to be contributing writers within a particular subject area for The Thinking Church. Each week, you can expect an entry from our pastor, Joanna D'Agostino, as well as an additional post on one of the topics listed below.
Christian Education | Allie Scott
Current Events & Social Justice | Stephanie Prellwitz
Faith and Family | Norm and Sue Loomer
Message from Afar | Andrea Lyke
We'll also have periodic entries when the creative juices flow from our ad-hoc Graphic Artist, Maic D'Agostino. Check out more about our writers on our Contributors page.
These additional posts won't always be directly church-related, but may also be general musings about our interactions and observations with the world around us. We believe that our efforts to discern our own experiences contribute to our ability to discern God. We stick our non-fancy disclaimer here that these are opinions of individuals and do not necessarily represent the official viewpoints of the church. Agree? Disagree? Add a comment with your two-cents to get the conversation rolling.
Happy reading! Have a blessed and wonderful day!
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