Monday, January 21, 2013

Sermon Reflection | January 20, 2013

Read1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and John 2:1-11
ListenThe Gift of Transformation
Dig a Little Deeper:
Here is some information about The King Center.

I wonder if we can ever reach a point where the conversations we have in social media can have the power to transform our world?  I believe that as the world gets smaller, the small conversations we have begin to matter.  How can we take advantage of the voice we've been given through social media?

I don't want to sum this one up too much, because I truly want you to listen to it.  I truly want your feedback.  This is a fairly "Unitarian" sermon here, to be honest, and I'd love for part of your feedback to be about "What makes this a Christian issue?" and/or "How does this message apply to people of all beliefs and backgrounds?"

I'll leave this one pretty open-ended.  Just listen, and respond. 


  1. It seems that I'm not able to listen to the sermon in Dropbox. I get a warning that I "don't belong here" (an actual quote from the website). Even if I sign in, I'm not able to access it. Is there a way to make the link public?

  2. It seems that Dropbox didn't listen to the sermon very well if it gave you an electronic response like that...

  3. Dropbox and I have settled our differences. We've reached a respectful reconciliation and all is working nowl


We don't judge, so say what you think, but be respectful.