First I'll offer the inevitable Blogger Apology-- I'm so sorry I've been absent! I want to say that it's because I've had a couple of Sundays when I haven't preached lately, which is true, but the other truth is I've been rather inundated with *stuff.* A lot of church stuff, but mostly life and family and pregnancy *stuff.* For some reason (nostalgia, perhaps?) I thought I loved being pregnant last time. This time around there's a little less love and a little more whining and complaining. After I get through with my daily whining and complaining, it seems I have little time left to write a blog entry! Chin up; press on!
Some compassionate words from the Gospel of John (who doesn't know first hand what he's talking about; but still manages to be sweetly sympathetic. Good man, John. Good man.):
Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy. When a woman is in labor, she has pain, because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy of having brought a human being into the world. So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.
As long as I'm already rambling about my pregnancy, I'd like to share a link to a blog entry from the Young Women Clergy Network: Your Pregnant Pastor: Ten Things You Should Know
Okay, moving on.
Some really cool things are happening here at the church. I might as well start by moving up just a tad in the age bracket from the pregnancy subject-- we are starting a new program called Tiny Spirit Saturdays for babies and toddlers. I am so excited about this opportunity for our church and the community. There's wisdom in those little souls and it's time for us to explore it!
Cool thing that's happening, number two: A relocation of our church library! We will still have the main stash of library books down in the Adult Lounge, but since we know that very few people frequent that area we've decided to move a couple of bookshelves up to the main hall outside the sanctuary. This will happen in upcoming weeks. On that note, we'd love some book recommendations because it's been a few years since we stocked our library. What theological books have you loved to read recently? Motivational novels? Prayers and devotionals?
Cool thing that's happening, number three: We have a new projection system installed in the sanctuary! How awesome is that? This system was made possible through an anonymous donation. It looks so beautiful and the opportunities it provides for worship abound.
The first week with the projector went really well. The service itself was unique and beautiful because it was Children's Sunday. The children shared their "This I believe" statements that they have been writing during Sunday school-- simple statements about what they believe about the goodness and possibilities of the world, and especially what the church should be striving for as we try to become more like Jesus. Here are the statements they came up with:
I believe that people who have a lot should give up something to help people in need.
I believe there is no right way to pray.
I believe we should be friends.
I believe we should get food every day.
I believe you can do anything as long as it isn't bad.
I believe people should go outside more.
I believe brothers and sisters should be kind to each other.
I believe life is good.
I believe God is in everything.
I believe everyone should be able to learn to the best of their abilities.
I believe we should hold open doors for others, let other cars into our lanes, and give others the opportunity to go first.
I want to share a few other links to this week's children's sermon. The Children's Choir sang "We Are the Church" <>. In a reversal appropriate for the day, I gave an Adult's Moment <>. And for the offertory Nalani and Esther played a piano duet, "The Water Is Wide" <>.
After the worship service, we had a church picnic in which we heard music from Nalani's band, "Rock Candy" and had face painting! It was such a fun day!
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Some of our youth and children listening to the band. |
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Beautiful girls! |
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Remember that thing John said up there ^^ about not remembering the anguish? There she is-- my human being! Joy abounds. |
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Rock Candy! |
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The Lone Pinata. He's beheaded now. |
Thanks to everybody for reading a somewhat rambling post. I'm happy to say that after this week we'll be back on the regular sermon reflection schedule! Grace and peace to all of you!
Pastor Joanna
Don't feel bad. It's not just you, Joanna. The whole blog in general seems to be slowing down, with only 2 posts in the last month.