Hi Church and Church Lovers!
I'm about to attend the ultimate church-lover conference: General Synod. This is a gathering of the national denomination of the United Church of Christ which occurs every 2 years in a different location in the US. This year, it's in Long Beach, California! At the conference, we attend workshops, gather with various groups for networking opportunities, worship together, and vote on Resolutions and Formal Motions of the UCC.
The United Church of Christ is a denomination in which the local churches work both autonomously and covenantally. What that means is that each church makes its own individual decisions, but because of the covenant made with the denomination the decisions made at synod are recommendations to the local churches. So, those resolutions and formal motions linked above are recommendations to us, the First Congregational Church of Ripon!
What do you think about them? As a delegate, I am your voice! I'd love to hear what you think so that I can make decisions that represent both myself and this community.
Any time that General Synod is in session (plenaries, worship, etc.) in the main hall, they will be webcasting live. In general that means that they will be following the schedule found in the Detailed Agenda.
The stream will be seen live on this page and on the UCC Facebook page. I highly encourage you to tune in for the worship times. I will be posting on Facebook just before worship each day as a reminder to tune in.

On Thursday, I will also be attending a pre-Synod gathering of the 2030 Network of the UCC. The 2030 Network is made up of ordained and licensed clergy in their 20s and 30s. This will be a day of fellowship, discussion, and worship which I am so, so looking forward to!
Stay tuned! I'll be updating along the way!
-- Pastor Joanna
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