Monday, January 7, 2013

Sermon Reflection | January 6, 2013

Dig a Little Deeper:

A quote from St. Bernard, "For they offered to Mary, the mother of the child, gold to relieve her poverty, incense against the stench of the stable and evil air, myrrh for to comfort the tender members of the child and to put away vermin." (In other words-- Money, febreeze, and lotion.)

In this sermon, I talk about the way that in this passage the Magi have used four different ways of moving forward in their faith journey: 
  • God's Creation; Nature
  • Personal Experience
  • Community
  • Scripture
What do you think?  Can you think of more?  Can you think of a time that one of these "methods" brought you closer to understanding your faith?

I also said that I think the Magi are examples we should hold highly as we travel our faith journey.  Would you like to share some examples you hold highly as you walk your faith journey?  People who have showed you how to get closer to Christ? 

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

P.S. Enjoy this video below, James Taylor's "Home By Another Way," which refers to the Magi.  The video was recommended on our Facebook page.  Thanks! 

*This particular recording was done outside of the church service. 


  1. Re. personal experience as a contributor to the faith journey, I feel stronger in my faith when I am most vulnerable: doubtful, insecure, sad, lonely. It is when I'm on top of the world and everything seems to be going well that I feel most distant from my creator, perhaps because pride, exhilaration or other worldly "stuff" gets in the way of my spiritual being.

  2. That's a really good point. I think a lot of people feel that way, even all the way back to the Psalmists who would often write their songs to God out of places of despair and doubt.


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